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To get the new fruit, you’ve got to lose some branches!

Hi Friends – I was listening to the Alli Worthington Show last night, an interview of Beth Moore (Bible Teacher, Amazing Author for those who haven’t heard of her), and she shared this message that resonated with me, maybe it will with you! I’m going to paraphrase what I heard her say:

Sometimes it looks like we’re going backwards in life. Things that used to work, don’t anymore. Where we were successful, things are stuck. The life we thought we were going to have didn’t materialize or was disrupted/gone. And, some of us wonder – is God done with me? Is this it? This is where some people give up.

Instead, consider this: You’ve been fruitful in your life and God, in his loving kindness, is pruning you back for the next season – to make your more fruitful!

—- Do you see that? More fruitful! I love this teaching – and Beth Moore! I’ve learned much from her through the years. It is always God’s intention to take us from strength to strength. Do you believe that? I want more. Don’t you? Embrace the discomfort of losing branches and getting rid dead limbs. Surrender to the new season. And, get ready for the new fruit! The best is yet to come. Live beautiful! -Michelle

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