Believe: My theme for 2023

BELIEVE | My theme for 2023. - Michelle Cullison


This will be my word for 2023. Here’s why! I spent November digging into the idea that “believing God” is different than “believing in God” by studying a book by that title.

It captured me!

In December, the Christmas sermons at our church included the stories of Mary and Joseph and Elizabeth and Zechariah. Their experiences of believing what God said to them further clarified the difference between believing God and believing in God.

It was personal and full of wonder.

I want to take the wonder of Christmas with me into 2023!

Here is a faith exercise provided in the book. I invite you to explore these statements of belief for yourself.

God is who he says He is.

He can do what He says He can do.

I am who He says I am.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

His word is alive and active in me.

The new year is almost here!

Welcome, 2023!


PS Beth Moore is the author of Believing God. It’s an older book but so worth the read. Highly recommend.

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