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Comfortable Risk or Uncomfortable Truth: Which way will you go?

It’s so easy to get comfortable with risk and uncomfortable with the truth.  That happens when risky living is the norm.  Think about it. Whether it’s:

  • a bad diet
  • lack of or little exercise
  • too much month at the end of your money
  • stinking thinking
  • toxic relationships with people or
  • bitterness toward God,

whatever is normal is eventually comfortable.

It’s easy to see risky living in others but not so easy to spot it in ourselves. We shake our heads at the alcoholic or drug addict while being blind to our own area of risk. It’s human nature unless we get serious about being brutally honest with ourselves. That’s when amazing things can happen. That’s when clarity comes. It’s not easy to turn things around but, boy, is it freeing. Ask God for clarity. Look for it. Search for it. It might make for a rough week, month, or year, but it can surely change your life, maybe even your eternal one. #gethonest #selfleadership #askGod #clarity

Proverbs 27:12 ESV  The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it.

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